newEar Contemporary Chamber Ensemble Presents
an educational performance
newEar Contemporary Chamber Ensemble is a professional chamber music ensemble that features the music of living composers. We strive to bring Kansas City the most eclectic and cutting-edge creative trends of the twenty-first century. You will see and hear some of the best musicians in our area interpreting music written in the last twenty years, never before heard in the region or sometimes anywhere in the world.
newEar has been the leading contemporary chamber ensemble in Kansas City for over 28 years, and has premiered more than 80 new works.
openEars is an interactive performance and presentation. The format will include demonstrations of contemporary instrumental techniques, a performance of work by a living composer, and a freeform question/answer session with the musicians at the end.
Have you ever wondered how to approach performing music no one has heard before?
The entire service offering will be presented virtually over a video call.
newEar will be presenting OpenEars in Spring of 2021. The entirety of the event will last approximately 30 minutes and will be scheduled at the convenience of the parties involved.
newEar understands the impact of encountering the arts at a young age. We strive to provide opportunities within our community that lift up the voices of the composers of our time and make their music accessible to all audiences.
How much?
openEars is being presented free of charge to reduce the barrier to entry for students to encounter the arts.